There’s nothing more charming than a spoonful of fresh, creamy, and mildly tangy crème fraîche. So, for those of you craving a spoonful of heaven, but do not live in the parts of Europe that serve them, here’s how to make crème fraîche at home.
How To Make Sour Cream
After balking at the price of sour cream, and being horrified at the thought of eating artificially thickened milk, I decided to make my own sour cream. Creamy with just the right amount of tart, and healthier than the store-bought version — here’s how you can make your own sour cream!
How To Make Buttermilk Substitutions
Isn’t it so frustrating to not find buttermilk at home when you need it? And most times you realise you’re missing buttermilk only when you’re bang in the middle of a recipe. Thankfully, you can make buttermilk substitutions with whatever you have in your kitchen instead of running to the store.
How To Make Quick Flaky Pastry
Oh yes, I promise you it’ll be quick: all ready to roll out in an hour! And what’s more, you’ll like this quick flaky pastry better than the long-version of flaky pastry with its buttery, flaky, light, crispy goodness. The flakes melt in no time inside your mouth to make way for whatever goodness lies atop.
How To Blanch Almonds
How does one remove the skin of an almond — the kind of skin that seems fused to the flesh? Look no further — learn just how easy it is to blanch almonds. Plus, they turn out better than the ones at the store and are more hygienic.
How To Make Sprouts at Home, and Why
Sprouting legumes and seeds unlocks all the nutrition that the seed works to produce to feed the tiny plant growing within — it mimics germination, thus activating vital nutrients. Feed your body this nutrient powerhouse; make sprouts at home — all you’ll need is water!
The Ultimate Flaky and Tender Pie and Tart Crust
Delicate and buttery with a dainty lift, the ultimate flaky and tender pie and tart crust is in a league of its own, enhancing your pie and tart experience like no other crust can. It took Rose Levy Bernbaum over 50 years to get this sublime ultimate flaky and tender pie and tart crust just right. And here it is for you!
How To Make Your Own Instant Cream Cheese
Ah, sublime, silky smooth cream cheese! How To Make Your Own Instant Cream Cheese gives you easy instructions to and the science behind instant cream cheese bliss. Get ready to make cheesecakes and cream cheese spreads whenever you want to, intead of waiting for days.
How To Make the Perfect Classic Pastry Crust
Here in India, chasing after a good, fresh pie crust in the retail space and online space will leave your feet and fingers sore. Your search for the perfect pastry crust ends right here! Churn out light and flaky pastry crusts time after time, when you follow this simple recipe.